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Mrs. Spradley

Zones of Regulation

The Zones of Regulation (Zones) is a systematic, cognitive behavioral approach used to teach self-regulation skills. The Zones curriculum provides strategies to teach students to:

  • Become more aware of, and independent in managing their emotions and impulses

  • Manage their sensory needs

  • Improve their ability to problem solve conflicts.

There are 4 colors, each matching a feeling. Each feeling has a set of tools & strategies that help students get back in (or stay) in the “Green Zone”.


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Elementary Counseling and Guidance

Parents and Guardians-

Hi!  I am Jennifer Spradley your child’s school elementary counselor.  I am excited to join the team at Fayetteville as the Pre-K through 5th-grade counselor.  I will be on campus full-time.  As we begin monthly schoolwide classes I am excited about getting to know your child.  My goal is to help your child be the best they can be this school year.  

Did you know that elementary counselors do many different things like…

...teach classroom guidance lessons on a variety of topics?

...counsel individual students as needed and maintain confidentiality?

...counsel with small groups of children with similar concerns?

...consult with teachers and assist them in meeting individual student needs?

...coordinate referrals to school and community resources?

    Services like AltaPointe, Rural Relief, Alabama Childhood Food Solutions, and SAFE 

...provide information for parent and teacher use?

...give hugs and words of encouragement?


Guidance services are available to all children.  Please feel free to call me if you have a concern or a question.  You can reach me best at  I look forward to getting to know you and your child.  Learn more about me by checking out my “teacher” page on the school website.  

I know if we work together we can have a fantastic school year!